It seems like just when I believe I've gone as far as I can with this website someone contacts me and next thing I know we become very good friends and I have something new to add. That's what has happened with the next several pages of this site. Tom Andersen, a native of Denmark, who also reads, writes and speaks English (even better than me sometimeS and I'm English-speaking Canadian from birth) found a book entitled Tussen Sawahs en Bergen "Het Leven van de soldaat in de Tijger Brigade, which translates into English as Between Rice Fields and Mountains "the life of the soldiers in the Tiger Brigade" and decided to translate it all from Dutch into English for me so I could add it to my site. Tom did all the translating but had a special friend in Indonesia make sure his translation of the Javanese words was correct. These pages are an exact translation to keep it as close to the original book as possible so it will read a big ackwardly in English since the grammatical structure of the two languages are different. Should you come across any spelling errors please forgive us, eventually I'll get around to correcting them.
My dad, being in the 1st Regiment Stootroepen, would have worked hand-in-hand with the Tiger Brigade, and one of the wonderful veterans who helped me very much with my site, Mr. Cor Korremans belonged to the Tiger Brigade so I am putting the book online for him as a thank you for all he's done for me.
It may take time to get all the pages up on the site so be patient, it's a long book and there are several people involved in making sure the pages are completely correct.
You will see that I have changed the layout of these pages from what I have on the rest of my site. I know you're use to seeing white type on a black background but for these pages I felt it would be more appropriate to make it look like a real book with black type on white pages. I am going to put most chapters as an individual page but for small chapters I will put several on one page. I'm doing it this way so it won't take too long for everything to open and for anyone that has limited time for reading it will be much easier because you can leave off at the end of a chapter.
VERY IMPORTANT: I don't know if having these pages translated from the original Dutch book into English and using the photos will be an infringement on Copywrite laws or not. I hope that my doing this is acceptable and while several people have had a hand in the book as you see it on my site we in no way make any claim of authorship or having anything to do with the original book including information and photographs. This site is meant to compliment the original book for those of us who can't read Dutch and therefore would lose out on something very important.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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My friend Tom has translated and sent me some information about the Signal Unit Headquarters of the T-Brigade, translated from Dutch to English, and I've decided it would be worth adding to site along with the book above. The information comes from the Historical Department of the Dutch Army.
Translation Experts Ltd. is pleased to provide this link to the InterTran (tm) multi-language translation system for webpages and text. The translations are not perfect but they can give you a general idea of what is being communicated. Some of the languages have more limited lexicons then others so the quality of translation can vary between the languages. We always suggest that if you need critical translations hire a translators or take the time to learn the language that they want to communicate in. Any text or webpages that are translated will appear within this webpage frame. Some of the languages will need additonal support for specific fonts.
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